All activity
Devin Finzer
The largest NFT marketplace.
Buy, sell, and discover rare digital items
Devin Finzer
Devin Finzer
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Charles is awesome! Congrats on the launch!
Identity verification for any use case, starting at $0
Devin Finzer
The DGaming Store is a multifaceted platform dedicated to blockchain gaming. Users can discover new games by genre as well as see statistics on their performance. They can take part in exclusive item sales, and educate themselves via our popular media website.
One-stop-shop for Blockchain gaming.
Devin Finzer
Devin Finzer
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Congrats! This is awesome :)
Figma Platform
Unlock your design files with our new web API
Devin Finzer

Ethmoji are ethereum based emoji that are baked into the blockchain, so you can mathematically guarantee yours is unique.

Collect and create emoji on the blockchain
Devin Finzer

OpenSea is the first (and largest) peer-to-peer marketplace for cryptogoods, which include collectibles, gaming items, and other assets backed by a blockchain. On OpenSea, anyone can buy or sell these items through a smart contract.

Ebay for cryptogoods. Buy and sell items on the blockchain.
Devin Finzer
Devin Finzer
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Super excited about this project!
Name Bazaar
Name Bazaar
Marketplace of names registered via Ethereum Name Service
Devin Finzer

Wallet Genius teaches you how to invest in cryptocurrency, tailoring advice based on your personal investing style.

Wallet Genius
A bot that teaches you how to invest in cryptocurrency
Devin Finzer
Devin Finzer
left a comment
Cool! If only I could read Russian ;)
Crypto Map Russia
Crypto Map Russia
Curated list of places where crypto is accepted