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Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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This looks fun and well-designed. Great stuff!
Cards Against Work
All the annoyances of office life, in an infamous card game
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Create custom vision AI apps, using just your phone
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Nack.AI - the best chat and image AI on your Android and iOS device, but I'm biased
Kacper Raubo
What are some of the must-have apps that you think everyone should know about?
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Based on the replies, sounds like Google is paying you (jk) I should try Bard out again!
Has anyone noticed, Bard responses have become so much better. How are you using Bard?
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Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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That's a good one. I also like Show Me Diagrams. It makes learning complex ideas much easier.
Kim HM
What's your favorite Chat-GPT plug-in? Mine is ChatWithPDF.šŸ˜Ž
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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I'm on a 50-day streak!

Two things have stood out to me: 1. This is a very positive community 2. Builders love AI šŸ˜‚ Halfway to 100 days. Hope I don't lose my streak before then! Join me in the Twitter conversation:
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Ankur Singh
Let us connect on Product Hunt and Twitter and to grow our reach!
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Any information here?
Anil Matcha
Twitter now supports creating communities !!!
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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The efficiency of 3 people is increasing and the value of the dollar is falling, so I'd say yes.
Zoe Stetsenko
Do you agree that now (with AI) 3 people companies can create a billion dollar valuation?
Zoe Stetsenko
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Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Usually do pitch decks myself. I find the fastest way is first to dump thoughts and rough layouts and improve iteratively over time.
Renat Abyasov
How do you design a pitch deck: whether you invite a designer, use a template, or assemble a design
Renat Abyasov
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Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Sneha Nair
What programming language has the most beautiful syntax?
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Thoughts after growing to 200 Twitter followers

The number of followers is a vanity metric. But why do we share follower counts? Because most people do what they think everyone else is doing. When people share news about how their following (or product) has grown, those posts usually receive high engagement and result in even more followers. "The game is the game" - Avon Barksdale It might be unsettling, but it's the Matthew effect /...
Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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Everyone will eventually know where to go to
Nack went viral on Reddit!!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰
Richard Awoyemi
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Dexter Awoyemi
Dexter Awoyemi
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I'm yet to find a tool I want to use to create and queue posts. The integrations always feel a little limited. Curious to hear from others.
Charlie Kor
Do you have any tools you use for building an audience? Which features do you use the most?
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