Nadia Elinbabi

Nadia Elinbabi

I run PAIRUX - we <3 product design
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Nadia Elinbabi
Nadia Elinbabi
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Figma, Axure, Condens (for research), Canva (for creating fast powerpoints to share)
Sharath Kuruganty
What are the design tools you use in your daily workflow?
Sharath Kuruganty
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Nadia Elinbabi
Nadia Elinbabi
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I hear that is amazing at this.
Vio Vanica
Need a webflow designer. Can you recommend me someone?
Nadia Elinbabi
Nadia Elinbabi
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Work on a new project. Always my go-to.
Shrutika More
Designers how do you manage your Creative Block?
Shrutika More
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Nadia Elinbabi
Nadia Elinbabi
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I love canva because I dislike doing graphic design.
Inam from Outgrow
What do you think about Canva?
Inam from Outgrow
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