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  • Derek Liu

    Derek Liu

    Developer & Motion Graphics Enthusiast
    All activity
    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
    started a discussion

    I learned how naive I was after my first launch. What about you?

    Hi, I’m Derek. I joined Product Hunt a month ago with the same goal as many of you: I had my product ready and wanted to get it known by more people, hoping people find it useful. I started by actively engaging with the community, providing thoughtful comments, sharing useful tips, studying FAQs, and learning from others’ posts. I carefully prepared my launch page and followed all the...
    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
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    Thanks for sharing, Nika! You're so efficient! BTW, I'm launching Trangram today. Thanks for taking a look if you have time!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    🙀 What has changed on Product Hunt during these 6 months?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
    started a discussion

    What do you think about my launch page? Feel free to comment!

    Yeah, I launched Today. I’ve been prepping this launch for a month since I joined PH. I’m still pretty new here, but I hope you feel that my previous posts and comments have been helpful or at least genuine. Okay, back to the the launch page, I’ve spent almost a month putting it together, though that’s nothing compared to the time I’ve spent building Trangram itself. Aside from drafting the...
    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
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    Your make me think PH missing an important function: save/bookmark a post!
    Zara Anita Paul
    How to create graphics for a Product Hunt launch
    Zara Anita Paul
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    +1 comment
    Derek Liu
    Trangram is a completely free alternative to Adobe for creating and animating designs, logos, and more, all within your browser. No installation or sign-up required.
    A free online editor for creating animation and illustration
    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
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    Launch their products on PH first (to earn some backlinks), I guess?
    Austin Armstrong
    How can startups leverage Product Hunt to gain early traction?
    Austin Armstrong
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    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
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    That's useful, will give Jsonify a try when I need i18n for my web app!
    Transform XLSX/CSV files into clean, usable JSON
    Derek Liu
    Derek Liu
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    Lovely animated logo 👍
    ECPower Segment Management
    A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands