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Bitbucket Pipes helps developers build powerful, automated CI/CD workflows with ease. We partnered with 17+ vendors including AWS, Google, & Microsoft to create pipes to help you take the hassle out of creating, updating, or re-configuring your pipelines.
Bitbucket Pipes
Automate your CI/CD pipeline with 30+ supported integrations
We’ve teamed up with 5 incredible influencer marketing brands to create a spectacular FREE resource hub. You’ll find everything you need to know to launch a killer influencer campaign right away!
Thanks to Buzzstream, Bitly, The Shelf, Later, and Shane Barker for your wisdom and resources.
The Influencer Marketing Stack
Free resources to launch a killer campaign
Denise Chan
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The Chrome extension has been a huge productivity hack for me and the marketing team. Our team is in Bitly every day, using the link to build, brand, manage, and track our initiatives.
The Chrome extension helps keep us organized and makes it easy for everyone in the marketing org, from content to social media to email, quickly shorten and categorize links. When I produce a piece of content,...
New Bitly Chrome Extension
One-click shorten straight from your browser.
Lens Distortions
Beautiful effects crafted from optically captured elements.
Denise Chan
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The holidays are a crucial, but stressful time of year for most businesses. 83% of marketers ran holiday campaigns last year - the number is only expected to grow. That's why we've put together a Holiday Email Toolkit to help you plan & get your campaigns to the top of the inbox. Let us know what you think or ask us any questions below!
Holiday Email Toolkit
Be on top of the inbox this holiday season
Holiday Email Toolkit
Be on top of the inbox this holiday season
Denise Chan
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@aexmo @blendahtom Sounds like we can use the app to add clickable links in each post? That's currently not possible on Instagram right now. The only clickable link is the one in your bio.
Add and share links in your instagram feed
Denise Chan
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Yes! Just reading the responses to this makes me smile. Brings me right back to the 90s.
You've Got Gmail
Old school AOL "you've got mail" sound for Gmail
Denise Chan
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Such a cool idea! How do you guarantee the subletting?
We pay your rent while you're away, guaranteed.
Denise Chan
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Thanks again to @anthonymarnell for hunting Gramforacause today and to everyone for your support so far! If you have any questions or feedback, happy to speak to them here. Essentially, Gramforacause is a free service that will save non-profits time and resources in finding photography or Instagram services. On the flip side, it will also help photographers expand their portfolios or connect...
Connecting Non-profits and Instagrammers
Connecting Non-profits and Instagrammers