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David William
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I love the UI and easy accessibility of the product and is so easy to understand and appreciate.
Visual Flows for Figma
Brainstorm, explore, and document your workflow

David William
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My OCD is tingling. This is the best app for organizing and learning. The equivalent of post-it notes!

Your curated corner of the web

David William
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An underrated app that's going to blow up in the future. This is def the most important one as a creator in this creator economy. Creators' problems are finally being acknowledged.
Restream Studio
Run professional live streams from your browser.

David William
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I love the idea and the creativity and work that was poured into the making of the slides. Now I can be informative and decorative in my slides.
Live Sessions by Projector
A new way to present from anywhere, no screen sharing

David William
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It really helps with keeping a tab on each task and as a result, reduces the backlog as nothing is left behind. This idea is so much ahead. Kudos to the team. The component of autoresponder email is indeed eye-catching. Have a great launch!
JotForm Approvals
Get rejected in seconds... 👎

David William
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What else can we work for, lightning speed and consuming less memory. A mighty combo indeed! A lagging speed honestly is the most frustrating ever. Not anymore. Thank you for
coming up with this.

Write-on Video for Android
Make video outlines, create storyboards, easily edit clips

David William
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- The idea of giving utmost importance to privacy and facilitating a lovely space for meetings and workspaces really grabbed my attention. This idea deserves to be seen and noticed by
everybody! A place of your choice really adds up to the quality of the meeting.

Out of Office Pods
Private pod spaces

David William
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I can totally see the quality of all types of meetings improve through this application! Breaks the team, yet it works as one! Great work, team. Loved it. Wasn’t ever this excited to have a meeting.

Breakout Groups by Whereby
The easiest way to team up, break out, and collaborate

David William
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Animation game strong and appealing as hell! Catches the attention at the first go.

QoooreMan vs RobinWho
A game to better understand the basics of the stock market

David William
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Getting into the shoes of the users and thinking from their perspective is a much-needed angle. Well, thought!
Open source technology stack for building diagrams

David William
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This startup idea literally has the potential to solve somany problems! Wow.

Scribe AI
Transform meetings into instantly searchable video & text

David William
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Not all apps stand tall on user-easy and flexibility. This is one!

Save and share any type of digital content - in one place.

David William
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This idea really does be upping the entire game of content creation. So well designed!

Ensemble Chat
Turn your fans into recurring customers