Dave Wooldridge

Dave Wooldridge

Chief Product Officer, OLY.AI
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Dave Wooldridge
The new & improved OLY.AI now provides greater drill down & accuracy giving you insights into your books in minutes.
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OLY.AI uses SaaS to deliver instant answers, charts & tables
Dave Wooldridge
OLY.AI offers user-friendly natural language apps that instantly answer metric questions using QuickBooks Online. Users can simply speak or type their questions to receive responses with real-time data & charts.
Instant answers using SaaS data from sources like QuickBooks
Dave Wooldridge
OLY.AI offers user-friendly natural language bots that instantly answer metrics questions using SaaS data sources. Users simply speak or type their questions to receive responses with real-time data. OLY.AI makes information more accessible & saves time.
NLU Bots for Business