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Daniel Holliday
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Maybe I’m missing something, but can a swipe be used to switch tabs? Impressed by the functionality in search but swiping between tabs would be huge for me, especially with an “open link in new tab” option.

Cake Browser
The world's first swipeable mobile web browser.

Daniel Holliday
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This concept has a fascinating history - the Hush-A-Phone was an add-on to telephone hardware to allow calls to be taken without disturbing those around. The Hush-A-Phone was initially outlawed as no "foreign attachments" could legally be added to telephone hardware, then owned by AT&T in the U.S.. The historic Hush-A-Phone v. United States case resulted in this law being overturned -...

The noise cancelling wearable for your mouth

Daniel Holliday
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Wow, iA's come a long way. Nested text files is a real game changer.
Curious: how's the publishing support? The main thing that keeps me tied to Ulysses is the one-click-to-publish to Medium. Couldn't see anything about this on the iA site...

iA Writer 4
Embed images, tables and text as blocks of content in text

Daniel Holliday
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Like I get(/hope) this is a joke but there's karabiner

An ESC key solution for new Apple Laptops

Daniel Holliday
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How do you get to almost 100 upvotes without a link to download your app?
The budget app for spending more on what makes you happy

Daniel Holliday
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Apple should buy these guys to build their Alexa/Home competitor

Smart screen for the home

Daniel Holliday
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Hey @ me on Twitter (@dathowitzer) and I'll design a whole lot more for you at a super slim price (as a choice of 3 seems to be the biggest criticism here)

Programming Posters
Posters to decorate the walls of any developer's workspace.

Daniel Holliday
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Would be nice if the logo wasn't staring me in the face, embossed into the marble.

Marble iPhone Dock

Daniel Holliday
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This is the first wearable I'm actually excited about owning.

Embedded camera sunglasses by Snapchat

Daniel Holliday
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Love this. And love the possibilities of this idea for Nintendo in the future. Not just a good business move but a responsible one -

Nintendo Classic Mini
The NES is back... but it's mini!

Daniel Holliday
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Big fan of J Tops and his line of products

Tomorrow w/ Joshua Topolsky
Jake Fogelnest, writer, comedian, TV pioneer SPEAKS OUT

Daniel Holliday
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The folding function for Fountain is a game changer for screenwriters who use Fountain. Curious - what elements are foldable? Is it just #, ##, etc. headings or INT./EXT. of scene headings?

Desktop-class text & markdown productivity on iOS

Daniel Holliday
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Using a standing desk, my biggest crutch is how easy it is to just walk away from writing to "think". I would love to give this a go but frankly would prefer a trial. The unique concept makes the asking for me to spend money straight away hard to stomach. I just can't bank on it working for me.

A writing app that deletes everything if you stop typing