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Nucleus Iconset is a tool for UI designers. A Sketch first series of premium icons with technological icons from different categories in 2 colors. Customization empowers you to adjust styles for your project, identity or brand.
Nucleus Iconset
400 Icons for those who build the future
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Great designed tutorials with story telling are the future of education!
Thanks for the love you've put into this!
How to GraphQL
Open-source tutorial website to learn GraphQL development
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We build multiple apps every month with a graph cool backend. I know the guys and they are working their asses off 14 hours a day to build a better product.
The GraphQL backend for mobile & web developers
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We’ve tried multiple GraphQL BaaS platforms including Scaphold and ended up choosing a different service. Maybe that’s has changed over the last few weeks but we experienced severe stability/performance problems and constantly ran into bugs. Most of their integrations didn’t work properly so eventually we’ve decided for Graphcool which works pretty well so far.
Scaphold 2.0
GraphQL backend as a service
Wizart App Android App
Incredibly Funny AI Art Filters