Daniel Wei

Daniel Wei

Independent Developer
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Daniel Wei
Quickly catch up on cool GitHub projects with our weekly podcast. Leveraging AI, we meticulously analyze and curate high-density, low-noise digest for you. Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon for your weekly dose of inspiration and efficiency.
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Podcast
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Podcast
Weekly podcast to quickly catch up on cool GitHub projects
Daniel Wei
Daniel Wei
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I built this to save my own time and I hope it can be useful to you too!
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Digest
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Digest
Quickly catch up with trending GitHub projects every week
Daniel Wei
This weekly digest aims to kill the pain of navigating the vast ocean of GitHub repositories to find the gems. We use AI to analyze each repository's details and serve you with curated summary with high infomation density and low noise. Audio version provided.
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Digest
GitHub Cool Projects Weekly Digest
Quickly catch up with trending GitHub projects every week