All activity
Daniel Wagner
Presentation is a powerful plugin for Adobe XD that makes presenting design easy & beautiful.
🎨 Beautiful themes to inspire your presentations
🙌 Well-structured slides for designers
🧩 Easy to use vector-based elements
🚀 Stay on-brand with customization
Adobe XD plugin to create and present beautifully
Daniel Wagner
Collect and organize bits of information from the web into into beautiful, thematic collections.
Save Patches of content - pictures, videos, audio, web sites and text notes to your own collections.
Get the chrome extension for a seamless experience 🚀
Your curated corner of the web
Daniel Wagner
Whiteboard is a free visual collaboration plugin for Adobe XD to bring distributed teams together. Buil by the Adobe International Design Team, the plugin focuses on collaborative whiteboarding to help design teams innovate anywhere, anytime.
Whiteboard Plugin for Adobe XD
Whiteboard Plugin for Adobe XD
Ideate visually anytime anywhere
Daniel Wagner
Morse allows you to discover nearby events, find out of the way places and connect with people around you in real time. Creating or shouting out events is simple, whether you are hosting an exhibition or want to give an ad-hoc lesson.
Create, shout out, and discover nearby events in real time