Dale Nguyen

Dale Nguyen

Senior Fullstack Engineer
6 points
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Dale Nguyen
Dale Nguyen
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Congratulations!! Love the product!
Better Friend AI
Better Friend AI
Turn Moments into Meaningful Connections.
Dale Nguyen
This is a WordPress plugin that provides features like Social Media Login, Phone Authentication, and the ability to sync data from WordPress to Firebase. There's also an extension that support WooCommerce integration.
Firebase WordPress PRO
Firebase WordPress PRO
Firebase WordPress Integration Plugin
Dale Nguyen
Dale Nguyen
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Great. Just followed on Twitter
Dapeng Ni
Can you support us on Social Media?
Dale Nguyen
Dale Nguyen
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Great works!
100 in 100 Challenge
Get 100 new paid users in 100 days
Dale Nguyen
Dale Nguyen
started a discussion

Does anyone have a struggle of building a product, then have to build a platform to sell it?

What are your thoughts on this issue? For me, it's a learning journey on how to build things from scratch and have control of everything.
Dale Nguyen
Dale Nguyen
left a comment
No need for fancy clothing :D
Vio Vanica
What is the good side of working remotely?
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