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Choose the perfect Amazon EC2 instance! Our webapp uses AWS data to recommend the ideal instance for your needs, no matter where you deploy.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Pricing
Amazon EC2 instance type and AWS location comparison

Nils K.
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Frustrated with navigating AWS docs or third-party websites that want to sell you something? Same! That's why I built this one-stop resource, condensing all the crucial info for choosing the perfect Amazon EC2 instance type. Save time and ditch the doc-hopping - find your ideal VM right here!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Pricing
Amazon EC2 instance type and AWS location comparison

This webapp helps to find the optimal Google Compute Engine (GCE) machine type or instance in the many Google Cloud Platform (GCP) regions. A lot of information has been collected from various Google Cloud websites and different sources.

Google Cloud Compute Comparison
Find the optimal Google Compute Engine (GCE) machine type

Nils K.
left a comment
I was tired of switching between different Google documentations to get all the information to find the best Google Compute Engine machine for my needs or those of my clients. I have therefore merged all important information into one place. Hope it helps you too.

Google Cloud Compute Comparison
Find the optimal Google Compute Engine (GCE) machine type