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James Flores
An AI-powered tool to instantly detect your age from a photo. Built for fun and a way to see how AI perceives your age, especially if you're on the wrong side of 35 like me! Plus, with a small donation, you can take years off your age.
Age Detector
Snap and see your age instantly with AI
James Flores
James Flores
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Any support for Django?
Open-source alternative to Heroku, Vercel & Netlify
James Flores
James Flores
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Notion to Chatbot
Notion to Chatbot
Turn your Notion documents into AI bots powered by ChatGPT
James Flores
James Flores
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Will we be able to use urls as part of the prompt like Midjourney does?
Integrate stunning image generation into your project today
James Flores
James Flores
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How do you get this to connect to Spotify for Artists account?
Your Spotify profile on steroids