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Coder Wonka
Track stocks easily - see capital growth in real-time. Detailed charts, news updates, portfolio vs. S&P 500 comparison. Powerful yet intuitive. Master your investments and maximize profits at a glance. Sign Up now!
Bear Hunters
Bear Hunters
Cool Stock Portfolio Tracker
Coder Wonka
Imagine the effort and time you would save if you had the next 3 months of tweets already created and scheduled to publish automatically. This is now possible with XCopilot: A very simple and minimalist app to generate, schedule and publish tweets with AI
Generate, schedule & publish tweets with AI
Coder Wonka
Coder Wonka
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Small, simple and practical I love it!
Turn your speech into well-written text
Coder Wonka
Coder Wonka
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The UI is awesome!
Submit JSON
Submit JSON
Easy form submissions and email notifications