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  • LambdaTest is a leading continuous testing cloud that helps developers and testers ship code faster. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2million+ users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs
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  • Monica is an open-source web application to organize the interactions with your loved ones. I call it a PRM, or Personal Relationship Management. Think of it as a CRM (a popular tool used by sales teams in the corporate world) for your friends or family.
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  • A customer data platform that helps companies harness first-party customer data and democratizes access to reliable data for all teams. Standardize data collection, unify user records, and route customer data into any system where it’s needed.
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  • Data quality is no longer a dream, it’s a workflow. In record time, Avo Inspector extracts your event schemas to let you build a tracking plan and systematically fix your data, one resolved issue at a time.
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  • Unreadit offers selection of curated weekly newsletters with the best Reddit content on a variety of popular topics — it’s the best way to learn and stay up-to-date on your interests.
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  • This collection of 90 dashboards offers guidance on the decisions you will face as a marketing executive: budgets, strategies, tactics, & more. Want to get all the insights? Download the report.
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