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Circe Reid
Circe Reid
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I love small bits of really useful information...would love to see results of studies but I'm not currently subscribed to any who specialize in that
Business Marketing with Nika
🤓 Mini research continues: What kind of content do you like to read in newsletters?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Circe Reid
Circe Reid
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Are there any products that encourage offline community building?

Perhaps MeetUp or eventbright fit this description but I would like to find newly released products maybe ones addressing zoom fatigue or countering the online only communities.
Circe Reid
Circe Reid
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curiosity, integrity and discernment
What are your top 3 core values?
Slim Geransar
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Circe Reid
Circe Reid
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Incredibly useful newsletter, been a follower from the start!
Founder Finds
Founder Finds
Weekly habits & productivity hacks for bootstrapped founders