Cindy Gallop

Cindy Gallop

Co-founder & CEO, MakeLoveNotPorn
76 points
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Cindy Gallop
Cindy Gallop
left a comment
Bloody brilliant. I love it.
Finger on the App
Finger on the App
The last person with their finger on the app wins up to $25K
Cindy Gallop
A chatbot to help women get the raise they deserve
Cindy Gallop
Cindy Gallop
left a comment
GENIUS. When will you be in New York? (Where we badly need you.)
On-demand itemized physical storage
Cindy Gallop

Make Love Not Porn
Make Love Not Porn
Porn-influenced views on sex & intimacy
Cindy Gallop
Make Love Not Porn
Make Love Not Porn
Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference. (NSFW)