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Christine Orchard
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This tool looks awesome! Congrats on the launch đ„ł Excited to try it out

Use ChatGPT on Google Sheets

Christine Orchard
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I'm thrilled to announce Arc 3.0! We've finally expanded our platform to design and marketing roles, which means more great remote job opportunities for more people. Huge thanks to our dedicated team for making this happen.
We'd love to hear your thoughts. Let us know what you think!

Arc 3.0
Your remote job matchmaker for top global tech talent

Arc is a global marketplace for top developers, designers, and marketers. With HireAI, we instantly match talent with freelance and full-time remote jobs. Access a vetted pool of 350,000+ experts from 190 countries. Join today â always free for talent.

Arc 3.0
Your remote job matchmaker for top global tech talent

Christine Orchard
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Congrats on the Cara app launch @frankramos and team! The growth to nearly a million users is incredible.
How are you managing the surge while keeping the user experience smooth? Can't wait to see what's next!

Portfolio & social platform for artists, by artists

Christine Orchard
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Congrats on the MARS5 launch! Quick question: How does MARS5 achieve such high realism with only a few seconds of audio reference? Looking forward to trying it out!

Open-source, insanely prosodic text-to-speech model

Meet HireAI - your AI recruiter that instantly matches you with top developers. Access Arcâs community of 250,000 remote developers from 190 countries without manual search, outreach, and resume screening. Sign up today - itâs free to get started!

HireAI by Arc
ChatGPT for hiring remote developers at lightning speed

The one-stop-shop for developers looking for remote jobs. Arc aggregates the world's remote opportunities and generates a list of best-fit jobs for you. Get support & level up your career by joining Arc's remote developer community.

Arc 2.0
The easiest way to find the world's remote developer jobs

Christine Orchard
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I write my 3 must-do's for the week (can also break this down for the day). I split the list into 3 goals for work and 3 goals for life, as you need to remember your personal goals as well!
What unconventional tips do you have for remote working?
Taylor Majewski
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Christine Orchard
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Cooking with inspo from (mostly veggie stuff). Last weekend I made sun-dried tomatoes! Trying to focus on the simple pleasures of home cooking and real food.
â What are you all doing to stay sane while at home? đŠ
Steven Male
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Christine Orchard
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Great idea! Love to see solutions like this to help keep our homes organized (and hopefully a bit more peaceful)! Much needed as weâre facing this transition of our most personal spaces into workspaces.

Work From Home Scheduler
A home scheduling tool to improve productivity when you WFH.

Christine Orchard
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In unprecedented times like right now, we're all looking for answers. I hope this resource is useful for anyone who has questions about working from home but doesn't know where to look.
At Arc, we've been fortunate enough to work remotely for a while (learning A LOT as we transitioned). This project is a chance to share our experience, as well as knowledge from the remote work community, and...
Remote Work FAQs
Curated answers from WFH experts

Questions about remote work? Weâve curated knowledge from the remote community to give you actionable answers to use right now. Content is sourced from key thought leaders, Arc's 12,000+ remote developers, trending Twitter threads, and top-cited articles.
Remote Work FAQs
Curated answers from WFH experts