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Christian Heine
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I feel almost bad of not upvoting this earlier. You guys would have been my pick for product of the day. Rive is simply awesome - especially your excellent integration with Flutter. Also really like the idea to make it free for open source designs. Thanks for making this!
Create and ship interactive animations to any platform
Christian Heine
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Nicely done. I like the clean & minimalist design
Tweek Calendar
Minimal weekly planner and to-do list
Christian Heine
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I'm also a morning person, so I hear you. I tried a lot of different methods to stay productive, but the most effective tools have been very basic ones. For me, a healthy breakfast and keeping lunch rather light help a lot. Also, drinking enough throughout the day. And getting "good" sleep. Finally, regular exercise.
How do you stop the afternoon crash? 💤
Maddie Lee
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Christian Heine
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It's hard to rank, so let's focus on business-related advice. For context: I believe that great achievements are mainly a function of motivation (which leads to persistence, working hard towards your goals, etc.). So one piece of advice that always helps me to stay motivated is something Jeff Bezos once said: "It's not what you do and mess up, it's what you don't do that will plague you when...
What is the most useful piece of advice you have heard ?? 🤔
Jack Davis
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Christian Heine
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This is really exciting! I've been using Flutter for a bit over a year now, and the experience has been nothing short of amazing - not just from a developer experience but also runtime performance. I guess quite a few of the products listed here (well, including mine, cough, cough) are built on Flutter. Thanks for the awesome work!
Flutter 2.0
Build beautiful native apps in record time, now on web too
Fluid is a simple & fun water tracking app that allows you to easily track how much you drink each day.
To help you stay motivated, you can connect with your friends to see each other's daily progress.
Track water and stay healthy with your friends
Christian Heine
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Hey everyone,
This is Christian, the maker of Fluid.
Have you ever struggled to drink enough water? For me, making sure that I drink enough each day has become a real game-changer. However, it's hard to stay motivated just by yourself. And with no one around (WFH), it's even harder. This is why I created Fluid.
So what can it do? You can...
• Freely set your daily goal (metric or...
Track water and stay healthy with your friends
Christian Heine
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Hey Kevin, thanks for making this.
How do you suggest to use it? I just finished my last read and although I have a list where I track my next books, I also tried to find recommendations on your site. Maybe it's just me, but no matter how I filtered (by recommender or by category) the list always seemed pretty long and kinda randomly sorted.
Not sure if you have this, but a great feature...
Book Recommendations For Entrepreneurs
1000+ books recommended by the world's top entrepreneurs
Christian Heine
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The question is whether policies can get to the heart of the issue. They can be quite effective when there are apparent external effects in otherwise free markets (i.e., when you benefit from your actions but others suffer - like with pollution from production), but this is different. Social networks exploit our very nature to feel social. And they do it in a way that seems quite reasonable on...
Following "The Social Dilemma", what types of regulations for tech companies?
Baptiste N
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Christian Heine
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It's hard to beat Google analytics. For our app, we don't use it (for privacy reasons, in fact) and only track some very basic usage metrics using custom functions with our own backend.
For the landing page: After a bit of search, we tried Clicky, but eventually went back to Google.
Would be really curious if there are other options out there. And just to throw that in: I do believe that in...
What Google Analytics alternative service do you use for web apps?
Igor Lanko
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Christian Heine
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@benbrausen I fully agree.
I know you probably don't want to hear this, but: It's hard to ramp up a new business. Like really hard. And just to say it again: It's really, really hard.
Yes, ideas are important, but execution is 100 times (and I mean one hundred times) more important. And even if you are great at one aspect (like coding or marketing) expect to struggle a lot in...
I need business ideas
Lalit sharma
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Christian Heine
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I appreciate the discussion. My personal view: For a non-trivial topic like this, any digital (in the sense of "YES or NO") view is problematic.
Related to the argument (from Hastings?) above: Remote work (as a large-scale phenomenon) is pretty new. It's probably too early to tell. Maybe we simply have not found the right methods to address the shortcomings yet. Instead of already declaring...
😈 Unpopular opinion : remote work suck
Nazim @Koinju
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Christian Heine
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Many. Depends on your preferences.
Workflowy is great (but you have to like the extreme zen-like interface). Todoist is basically the gold standard for task management and sharing. Then there are Trello, Asana, Wrike, or MS Todo, which are specifically designed for work & collaboration (most like Trello or MS Todo have a free plan).
If you want to try a different approach, you can have...
Any schedule/time management tools?
Sharon Cohen
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Christian Heine
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Depends on the app & time of day. In the evening, I sometimes prefer dark mode to reduce eye strain. For some apps (especially IDEs, i.e. code editors), I strictly prefer dark mode. But as others pointed out, color balancing is crucial.
Dark or Light mode 🤔
Samir Rashed
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Christian Heine
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Well, maybe. Take a look at It's not integrated into Google Cal, but other than that, it aims to solve the productivity (and note-taking) puzzle in a new way. It's inspired by other tools like Workflowy and Todoist as well as more analogue systems like the Bullet Journal method and Getting Things Done. The key idea is that you can quickly write things down, break them down...
Who is struggling to find the perfect personal productivity and task management app?
Lorenzo Garofano
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Christian Heine
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I tried a lot over the last two years. The most powerful habits were these.
1. Drink a lot of water: Always have a jug of water in sight & make it tasty (I like to add sliced grapefruit). It might seem like not much, but if I don't drink enough, I am less productive.
2. Exercise regularly: Every second day & always during the lunch break. The trigger is lunchtime, and I simply...
What are some of the best habits you have formed and how do you form habits?
Aaron O'Leary
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Christian Heine
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Wow. That's a HUGE question. I think it really depends on the type of product you want to build. For some products, it might make a lot of sense to build an MVP, put it in front of users, and then build it up (e.g., driven by usage data). For others, it might be better to spend more time upfront conducting interviews & market research.
You probably heard this a lot, but really make sure...
Product Development Steps
Karol Piwowarczyk
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Christian Heine
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Hey there, what exactly do you mean?
What is your most successful start-up distribution channel so far?
Damir Pervan
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Christian Heine
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Upfront: I'm building a different approach to note-taking & task management (yeah, another one. It's different because it blends bullet journal style journaling with a powerful link engine. Think of it as a journal for notes & tasks with a kind of Workflowy engine inside). The app is very minimalist but built to scale. It quickly became clear that once people use it a lot, they start to...
Onboarding and product tours in SaaS: odds and benefits
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