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500PX Labs
Finding the perfect photo has never been so much fun!

Christian H. Cooper
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Hey @rrhover saw this and thought of you. You must be inundated with people wanting your time and there is a fine line between fan/user interaction that can boost brand value versus a time sink. This tool gets around that by scheduling and recording those interactions in your spare time. Pretty cool. I'm going to sign up for my book series.

Making conversations possible again

Making conversations possible again

Christian H. Cooper
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I have the Bond Black service where they have digitized handwriting. Perfect tool for that extra touch and takes only seconds.

Bond Black
Beautifully handwritten notes, sent from your phone

Bond Black
Beautifully handwritten notes, sent from your phone

Uber without the carbon footprint!

ClassWallet is accountability for Education costs

Open Library
Open Library is yours to borrow, read & browse.

Christian H. Cooper
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This was recently launched by my publisher in London, John Wiley. This is, what we hope, will be a fundamental change to the way investment banks train their employees about quantitative finance. This book series is a niche product but will reduce the social cost of mismanaged risk.

Financial Risk Manager
Changing the way Investment Banks manage risk

Falling in Love - the Data
Who marries Whom? Which job titles mate most - fascinating.

Dueling Data - 2016 & The Supreme Court
See why 2016 is Important - 4 Supreme Court Justices up!

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation - In 3D!
See the CMB radiation in a full 3D rendering

History Timeline
Who was alive, when, and where?

Christian H. Cooper
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I am using a few apps to force daily habits and one new habit I am trying to create is to take time out to notice the sunrise or sunset. With SunsetWX, I know in advance when one is coming and gives me that extra motivation to set aside time for that daily pause. Plus, they have never been wrong! I took the pic above from my apartment.
Featured by FiveThirtyEight:...

Epic Sunrise and Sunset Predictions - 12 hours in advance

Epic Sunrise and Sunset Predictions - 12 hours in advance

See how long it took 21 of the world’s richest entrepreneurs to build their fortunes. Find out who was the youngest billionaire, who went from $1 million to $1 billion the fastest, and who took their time to prosper.

From Millions to Billions
What age did they make their first billion?

Christian H. Cooper
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Who has tried the multi-step zaps just released this week?

Connect and automate 500+ web apps

Christian H. Cooper
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@rrhoover interesting monetization. Was this sponsored at the original local or does that stay with the awesome product hunt team?

Making a Murderer - Behind the scenes of the new Netflix documentary
A true crime story more interesting than Serial