Chris Wyatt

Chris Wyatt

Just here to chill and meet cool people.
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Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
left a comment
This is an interesting one. Congrats on the launch.
Load WordPress on /blog, regardless of your site builder
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
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I lost my 273 day streak today :(
Ghulam Abbas
355 day streak 🔥 What is your streak?
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
started a discussion

273 day streak lost :(

Today I lost my 273 day streak because I spent the day with my family. I cant complain it was an amazing day and evening and im grateful but still hurts a little. Product Hunt should have something in place for this streak protection the stress and anxiety it causes it unreal. I will therefore will not be chasing the streak status any longer which is kind of a relief. 😀
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
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I guess we should just launch then.
Chris Wyatt
At what stage do you launch your product on Product Hunt?
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
started a discussion

At what stage do you launch your product on Product Hunt?

Today marks 9 months on Product Hunt with not launching anything yet. We have a working product but how do you know when you are ready for product hunt?
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
left a comment
I think its at 267
Julia Engelsmann
What is your streak?
Julia Engelsmann
Join the discussion
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
started a discussion

This is a TEST POST - Respond?

Hey, So over the past 3+ months, I have not been able to post in the community. a bug? Im not sure, but my profile has been reset a couple of times in trying to figure it out so if you see this post 'say hi' :D
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
started a discussion

Testing. Can you see this?

For the past 3 months, I have not been able to post a comment. PH said it was fixed but no... Please let me know if you see this. Appreciated.
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
left a comment
Congrats on the launch im excited to test it out.
Usermaven 2.0
Usermaven 2.0
Future of web and product analytics powered by AI
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
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Can you see this?
Chris Wyatt
250 Day Streak 🥳
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
started a discussion

250 Day Streak 🥳

I have now logged in consistently for 250 days. I have seen and used some amazing products launched on Product Hunt. But, I want to learn more about PH, the founders, and the products. Are there any good blogs or podcasts that you like to read or listen to?
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
left a comment
I feel like this deserved more upvotes 😀
Client Billing
All-in-one billing and payments solution
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt
left a comment
This looks great on the screenshots. Good luck with it 😀
Client Billing
All-in-one billing and payments solution