Charles Adjovu

Charles Adjovu

Co-founder & researcher. Data & insights
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Charles Adjovu
Explore and contribute to the Frontiers Dictionary, a database of terms to enable a more sophisticated public discourse on the forefront of technology, innovation, research, and governance (i.e., the frontiers).
Frontiers Dictionary
Frontiers Dictionary
Dictionary of frontiers (research, tech, governance) terms
Charles Adjovu
Open learning platform enabling everyone to discover and study the frontiers of tech and society, including topics from Web3 (e.g., smart contracts), Platform Cooperativism, Effective Altruism, and other idea machines.
Discover and study the frontiers of tech and society
Charles Adjovu
News curation service covering updates from Web3, Platform Cooperativism, Effective Altruism, Open Science, Tools for Thought, Responsible Technology, and other idea machines.
Curation platform covering the frontiers of tech and society