Cathy Yee

Cathy Yee

Founder of Procreate Match
79 points
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Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Very cool :) When my clients have a baby (or conceive rather), I'll send them your way!
NameWith AI
NameWith AI
Find the perfect baby name with our AI-Powered naming guide
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Instagram :)
Olena Bomko
What social media do you use?
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Either a chill dog or a friendly cat! But if I had to choose, a cute puppy
Ashley from Shadow
Cat or Dogs? Who are the ultimate companion?
Ashley from Shadow
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Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Dance! Good luck in the playoffs!
Marvin Mändle
What sports do you do to improve your health and get energy for work?
Marvin Mändle
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+1 comment
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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This is cool. Congrats! 🥳
Turn prompts and lyrics into full songs in any style
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Great idea! I would love to try this out with my incluvie articles!
Turn your blogs into stunning, shareable infographics
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Very cool, congrats! 3.0 3.0
Convert any website into fully editable Figma designs
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Nice! I would be eager to use this for my other startup website!
Pulse AI
Instant UX analysis for websites and apps
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Agreed. People say good marketing too
Ruben Boonzaaijer
How do you plan to become product of the day?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
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Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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This looks useful! Congrats!
Protect your app from bad humans
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Nice, I would use this! Congrats!
Localized Chatbots
Localized Chatbots
Local chatbots for your websites, in your color & language
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Interesting! Does it do cool animal sounds like a tiger or elephant? Congrats on the launch!
Inner Vision Pro
Tune in to real reality™ - best choice for mental health
Cathy Yee
Cathy Yee
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Ooooh yay! I love dance! Do you have solo dance too? Hip hop, k-pop, etc?
Travel, meet, dance - your global dance event hub