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Cassie SM
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What's the benefit of using Mixily over say Eventbrite or FB events?

Create and manage events in a snap.

Cassie SM
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This is great! I actually met Connor Finlayson, one of your speakers at the No-Code Conference, in Wellington NZ. Will be attending 👏🏼
No-Code NYC Community launching 2020
Al Chen
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Cassie SM
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Tripsha (group travel that puts the group fit first, itinerary second!) just launched Matches, a free service where we deliver you connections to likeminded travelers and hand-picked group travel opportunities on a monthly basis.
I'd love feedback on which onboarding form to use - specifically Typeform vs Google Forms as we've had people say they prefer the all-on-one-page format, whereas up...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 25 November)
Aaron O'Leary
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