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Carlos Gil
5,555 Hype Santas went missing from the North Pole. Soon after, they were discovered making waves on the Solana blockchain, where they set up shop to help families in need this holiday season.
Hype Santas NFTs for Charity
Solana NFT to to help homeless families this holiday season
Carlos Gil
Carlos Gil
started a discussion

What are you doing to pivot as an entrepreneur during COVID19?

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: COVID-19 has caused me and countless entrepreneurs to reassess our business models in both the long and short term, and many of us have had to pivot in new directions. What are you doing to pivot as an entrepreneur during COVID19?
Carlos Gil
Outlaws thrive in tough situations. Outlaw Masks was born out of that spirit. We designed our reusable, filtered face masks to be comfortable and cool so you can stay protected all day.
 Outlaw Masks
Outlaw Masks
Comfortable, reusable face masks with style.
Carlos Gil
Brands have to communicate on social the way people do. Marketers aren’t just competing with each other but also competing for attention with social media users’ friends. If you sound like an ad, you’ll get tuned out.
The End of Marketing 📙Audiobook 🎧
The End of Marketing 📙Audiobook 🎧
The "old way" of marketing is dead
Carlos Gil
Learn how to put 'social' back into social media and claim brand relevancy in a world where algorithms dominate, organic reach is dwindling and consumers don't want to be sold to, they want to be engaged.
The End of Marketing
The End of Marketing
Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI
Carlos Gil
The Brand Marketer’s Survival Guide to Social Media in 2019
Your brand is swimming against the tide in the giant digital ocean of social media content. Learn how to rise above the noise to reclaim reach and relevance online.
Social Media E-book
Social Media E-book
The Brand Marketer’s Survival Guide to Social Media in 2019
Carlos Gil
Carlos Gil: 3 AM Late Night Hustle
Carlos Gil: 3 AM Late Night Hustle
"The Hustlers Hour" and growth hacking when to post content