Joshua Howard

Joshua Howard

Building cool stuff
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Joshua Howard
Joshua Howard
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Need some feedback on an AR app I'm developing 🙋🏾‍♂️

I'm working on an app that allows people to view, find, and buy geolocated art through AR. I'm curious if there are any AR app users out there that could tell me which AR apps they like best and why?
Joshua Howard
Joshua Howard
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What are your thoughts on progressive web apps and web3?

I just launched a web3 PWA and feel like there is a lot of opportunity for in-browser games. What do think? Also, does anyone know if there is a storefront for PWA? If not, maybe that is what I should work on next!
Joshua Howard
(progressive web app) An open-sourced virtual pet game built on the Fantom blockchain. Each fantomPet has 8 states: happy, happy squint, semi-sad, sad, mad, sleep, eat, and dead. Care for and play with your pet to make it happy!
A virtual pet game built on the Fantom blockchain
Joshua Howard
Joshua Howard
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NFTshopper is now live! My first product hunt launch

Hey All, I'm new to product and just launch my first product here. Super excited. I think I am going to launch my next one here too. I'll be focusing primarily on NFT related products. It's totally a bear market right now. Any advice as I start launching more products?
Joshua Howard
Joshua Howard
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I've been using thirdweb's tools over the last few months and they are incredible!
Sam Lam | Web3 Builder
Looking for products to add in the curated list of Web3 builder tools
Sam Lam | Web3 Builder
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Joshua Howard
The google shopping of NFT marketplaces! Search any NFT collection on the ethereum blockchain and NFTshopper will display collection information & floor prices for Rarible, LooksRare, and Opensea. The results are NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.
Search & compare NFT marketplace floor prices