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Business Marketing with Nika
Time :)
Priyanka Saini
What's the first thing you check on your phone as soon as you wake up? 🌤️
Priyanka Saini
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Business Marketing with Nika
Web – answering is faster.
Neel Patel
Producthunt on web or mobile?
Business Marketing with Nika
Why did you focus primarily on Reddit?
AI that talks about your product on Reddit automatically
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Business Marketing with Nika
Grammarly to fix my English :)
Which integrations can't you live without?
Business Marketing with Nika
Business Marketing with Nika
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How do you deal with creative blocks?

You need to come up with something, but you can't come up with anything. How do you solve that? When I was in a creative agency, many times, I felt like without any solid idea how to do things differently. I realised how other people attend many events or places where the art is. Since then, I tried to "train creativity". Some of the activities I did and I am doing are: 👉 brainstorming with...
Business Marketing with Nika
Would be open to it :D
Jose Rodríguez
Do you accept crypto from your customers?
Jose Rodríguez
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Business Marketing with Nika
Wish you good luck with the launch Pedro. :)
Homestays with Kids
Homestays with Kids
Meet like-minded families and stay at their place