Bryan Helmig

Bryan Helmig

CTO/co-founder of
384 points
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Bryan Helmig
Create your custom AI agent in minutes. Equip your agents with live business data and have them do work across 7,000+ apps — on command and while you sleep.
Zapier Agents
Zapier Agents
Create your own superhuman teammates in minutes.
Bryan Helmig

Zapier‘s new logic tool lets you build multiple outcomes into one Zap, so you can automate anything you imagine.

Paths by Zapier
Paths by Zapier
Automate 1,300+ apps, now with conditional logic
Bryan Helmig

Zapier for Teams: Shared Folders lets you collaborate with colleagues on any of your Zaps.

Zapier for Teams 2.0
Zapier for Teams 2.0
Turn automation into a team sport with shared folders
Bryan Helmig

Open Source at Zapier is a new site with projects Zapier's using to power over 5 million workflows daily—and that you can now use to build your own projects.

Open Source at Zapier
Open Source at Zapier
Tools that help automate over 5 million workflows daily
Bryan Helmig

Zapier for Teams
Zapier for Teams
Automate everything, together.
Bryan Helmig
Zapier Developer Platform
Zapier Developer Platform
Integrate with 750+ Apps Overnight
Bryan Helmig
Code by Zapier
Code by Zapier
Manipulate your app data with custom code
Bryan Helmig
Conspiracy Santa
Conspiracy Santa
A better Secret Santa for teams