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  • Brodie Kern

    Brodie Kern

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    Brodie Kern
    Brodie Kern
    started a discussion

    SUBSCRIPTION BOXES: What should I know before starting one, and what tech is a must to use?

    I have a subscription service that I want to start where I do fulfillment through local companies. At this point, the basic idea is that I'm building up a list of clients who have already committed to buying these business's products and then I work out a profit share agreement from each sale with the business. Slightly different than a normal subscription box where I don't have to package or...
    Brodie Kern
    Brodie Kern
    started a discussion

    What are your favorite mockup tools?

    I recently discovered mockup websites that do realistic photo based mockups for billboards and posters. (Websites such as https://www.mockup.maison/#shop https://www.the-templates.com/) I'm wondering if anyone knows of other companies that offer similar products? I'm looking for some more content to use for https://writeyourshitdown.com/ social media presence.
    Brodie Kern
    Brodie Kern
    started a discussion

    What do you wish you knew before launching your e-book?

    Hell product hunt! I'm launching an e-book soon and want to utilize this amazing community to make it as successful as I can! For those of you who have been involved with an e-book launch before, what do you guys wish that you would have known before you launched your book? Marketing, platforms, content etc. Also, one unique challenge with ours is that we want to have sections where people...