All activity

Brijesh Tripathi
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I haven't even seen the app but just the idea makes me go 'wow' - will try this. More power to you!

Create random exercise routes, made by a 15 year old runner

Brijesh Tripathi
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9/10, Terranova got me :)

Pokemon or Cryptocurrency?
A fun lil' quiz to see if you can you tell the difference

Brijesh Tripathi
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looks awesome!

Simple, responsive, one-page sites for pretty much anything.

Brijesh Tripathi
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nifty idea, wish I could have a taste of it here in India

Get nagged to keep your resolutions

Brijesh Tripathi
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much as I want to try this, somehow gmail has it all for me. Have tried a few desktop clients earlier but have always switched back to web-gmail. Will try though and I hope I'm wrong!

Nylas Mail
The most powerful and extensible email client

Brijesh Tripathi
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not available in India?

"Like Airbnb for Uber." Inspiration for your next startup

Brijesh Tripathi
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ever after hearing tim urban's ted talk(waitbutwhy blog), I planned to draw a chart tomorrow - thank goodness this is here today

The Last Sunday
Chrome extension to tell how many days remain in your life

Brijesh Tripathi
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wonderful and thanks for the video - but besides the fun value, i don't see visiting this again :)

Google Spreadsheet Art
Make beautiful art with Google Spreadsheets

Brijesh Tripathi
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awaiting invite, eagerly!
A friendly place to exchange anonymous videos with strangers

Brijesh Tripathi
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great idea - gives a great elevator pitch(even more concise than that). Like others have said, there should be a skip option and also when I downvote(Nope), I'm asked for options. Maybe I should just be able to move on to next one when I've downvoted.
Hope to see this grow - all the best!
Also - just tried it - the instant response is mind-blowing. When someone comments/give a feedback, I...

Pitchcard Explore
Pitch and explore ideas, find collaborators to build things

Brijesh Tripathi
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sounds great -- one suggestion on the top image, messaging - it'd be better if you had the text with some bg as the blue colour of the font makes it slightly difficult to read your awesome messaging - which may vary with your different image backgrounds(if you plan to have multiple)

Lend to and borrow money from your friends and family

Brijesh Tripathi
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This. Is. Awesome. Got to try it - sounds very very exciting. Alright, I need to calm down

Fast, simple, powerful keyboard-driven commands for Mac

Brijesh Tripathi
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this is tooooooo futuristic, I'm quite amazed. Hope to see it go mainstream in a few years.
Project Soli by Google
Your hands are the only interface you'll need

Brijesh Tripathi
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it's been really tough for me to not back them this time -- my original ks pebble still works great, 6-7 days of battery life.

Pebble 2, Time 2 + All-New Pebble Core
Two new heart-rate enabled smartwatches + 3G wearable

Brijesh Tripathi
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I was totally unaware of anything of this sort in making. Only yesterday did I receive a mail from 8tracks & that was a surprise. This is mega-surprise & hopefully with change the world. Great to be living at these transformation times

The law changed. Invest $100+ in startups you love.

Brijesh Tripathi
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great stuff, pretty simple. I tried to make a launch page and was done in less than 5 mins.

Small Victories
Turn a dropbox folder into a website