All activity
brendan sudol
Smartful provides a daily dose of knowledge on a variety of topics, from history to linguistics to the arts and more. It's never been easier to learn something new and interesting every single day.
Learn something every day
brendan sudol
Tradecraft is like Codenames but on the web! Text a few friends and start a game. The board syncs in realtime across devices.
Play Codenames online with friends.
brendan sudol
Explore 10+ years of monologue jokes from all your favorite late night hosts. Search by topic, year, and host.
Late Night Comedy Library
Late Night Comedy Library
35k monologue jokes. 10+ years. All your favorite hosts.
brendan sudol
Predict and share who you think is going to die in the upcoming Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell
The Winterfallen
The Winterfallen
Predict who will die in upcoming GoT Battle of Winterfell
brendan sudol

A wemoji is an animated emoji icon that's inclusive of all skin tones. Instead of needing 6 separate emojis (i.e., ✌ ✌🏻 ✌🏼 ✌🏽 ✌🏾 ✌🏿), now you just need one.

Designed to be used on websites, mobile apps, slide decks, or as Slack custom emojis.

Animated emojis for all skin tones πŸ’―
brendan sudol

Just because your wine is dry doesn't mean your tasting notes have to be.

Vinobot is a slightly tipsy little robot that generates ridiculous wine tasting notes.

Share and save your favorites ones. Too shy to read aloud? Vinobot can do it for you, though it has a bit of a computer-y accent.

πŸ·πŸ˜œπŸ“± Vinobot V2
πŸ·πŸ˜œπŸ“± Vinobot V2
Ridiculous wine tasting notes
brendan sudol

Better Know Your Area provides an at-a-glance view of social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics across the United States. All numbers are presented alongside state and national statistics for context.

Our goal is to make it easier to learn about the places you care about and highlight interesting data about the American people.

Better Know Your Area
Explore social, housing, and economic data across the U.S.
brendan sudol
A tool to create emojis that incorporate all skin tones.
brendan sudol
A tipsy bot that generates ridiculous wine tasting notes
brendan sudol
English β†’ Emoji, because you should be using more Emojis πŸ’₯
brendan sudol
Jeopardy! trivia game using 200k+ past clues