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Breece Suber
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It's great to see the reaction to Session. I was here when we first launch Waldo automate in 2020, we already had a workable prototype a live debugger, but kudos to the team for the work to bring it to the public in such a sleek, Dark Mode fashion ;) This is our second testing product. Can't wait to hear everyone's feedback, how would it help you?
Waldo Sessions
Run, inspect, share mobile apps from the browser

Breece Suber
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Great job Mojo team! Well deserved accolades.
Mojo Teams for iOS & Android
Create powerful social content, together.

Breece Suber
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Shifting left can have a big impact on engineers ability to merge bug-free branches to master and get a better quality build to the QA team. Amazing progress since V2!
Pipeline Gatekeeper
The easy way to shift mobile testing left

Breece Suber
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Congratulation teams! Love the experience towards the apogee... and interesting insight into how much time we spend on meetings.
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Breece Suber
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This is the tool I wish I had during my agency days create mobile apps. The time spent doing the same thing over and over again, communication lags between engineering and QA, bug reproduction complexity....Waldo makes all this go away. I saw it the first time it worked and now I'm so impressed by what the team has built on top.
Waldo V2
Continuous end-to-end mobile testing

Breece Suber
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How do we address flakniess? To anybody interested, our CTO @laurentsigal wrote a great piece on that point:
Waldo V2
Continuous end-to-end mobile testing

Breece Suber
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Congrats on the launch Mike and Chainstarters team - the platform looks great!

A web3-enabled rapid development platform

Breece Suber
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Congratulations on your public beta team, you've solved a real problem for people who can't keep up 1,000 group chats and threads!
An all-in-one communication app for groups & communities

Breece Suber
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This is really cool! Used to work for a digital agency and I could have used this when our team needed inspiration when designing UI or user experiences. Will share it with my designer friends! Thank you Waldo
The world's largest library of mobile user flows