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Eric Brandes
The easy way to track your Core Web Vitals and boost website performance. Real-user monitoring with automatic noise-cancelling and actionable recommendations. Filters - Notifications - Search - Element Attribution - Vendor Tracking - Get started free.
Request Metrics
Request Metrics
The easy way to track Core Web Vitals & boost pagespeed.
Eric Brandes
Request Metrics is website performance monitoring, simplified for small teams. It's not a expensive APM "solution" or a complex query language to learn. It's simply the key metrics you need to know to keep your website running fast.
Request Metrics
Request Metrics
The simplest, fastest, & cheapest way to monitor performance
Eric Brandes

TrackJS gives you context about what's happening in your end-users' browsers. The Telemetry timeline recreates all the application, network, and user activity that leads to an error. The stack trace processing shows you the code you need to investigate.

TrackJS JavaScript Error Monitoring
TrackJS JavaScript Error Monitoring
Discover the bugs in your web applications and fix them fast