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I like it, looks very useful and thoughtfully designed. Since it is a piece of wood with magnets it will be easily copied for cheap and sold on Amazon, does that bother you? Does your company sell any other products? I ask not to be snarky, I'm genuinely curious how you deal with the ease of copying any simple physical product.
Yohann iPad Pro & Apple Pencil Stand
Combining high functionality, easy use and minimalist design

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Will you release stats on how many people actually use this?
Shop in Messenger by Shopify
Browse and buy products all in Facebook Messenger.

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Does this upload them to scan them? A tie-in with Google Photos would be nice, but might not make biz sense I suppose.

Send photos to friends automatically using face recognition

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Yo, I helped make Snap2print and worked on the hardware if you have any questions.

A Snapchat printer that receives Snaps and prints stickers

A Snapchat printer that receives Snaps and prints stickers

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My name is Dave, and I like to party.

Party with a Local 2.0
Because a night out anywhere is better with a local

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This is bullshit right? Click on Science on their page and there is no 'science' in there it's mostly marketing speak. When you say, "Pulses of energy improve the brain’s response to training" how exactly do you know that? What is it actually doing, applying a voltage to different parts of your head? If anyone can provide non-pseudoscience answers I'm all ears, but my bullshitometer is near...

Halo Sport
Neurotechnology for athletes

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What kind of (Dropbox) permissions do you ask for when signing up? Do you get 'Condoleezza" level access to my DB?

A simple Dropbox-based mood board creator

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Textingway is something we've been having fun with, it creates a blog out of anything you text at it including photos. I'm not sure what people might use it for but I used it this weekend to take photos from Halloween and share them to my neighbor who refuses to use Facebook. It's like an instant liveblog. What do you think?

Create a blog with one text message (seriously)

Create a blog with one text message (seriously)

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We have used services like this before and they are great... until they are not. You need to remember that pricing like this (made possible by remote workers around the world usually) does not include crazy in-depth customer service that you'd expect from a firm that you have a relationship with. Keep that in mind, and it's lovely.

Elf Worker
Get your programming tasks done within 24 hours

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This product seems to be shooting for reasonable goals. Pretty good.

Turn any bike into a smart bike