Bobby Wang

Bobby Wang

Software Symphony Composer
138 points
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Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Amazing product! Very promising
AI partner to better write, draw & present
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Congratulations on the launch!
Grimo AI (Alpha)
Where Obsidian meets Github & Quora
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Cool! Realising design ideas are so easy now!
AI Product Design by Pietra
Use AI to design products & packaging and get it made
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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MapStory will help me to plan travel better!
Create map story(travel stories, map-based events) with AI
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Interesting way to search for information, nice concept
Circle to Search
Circle to Search
From wonder to wisdom, just one drag away
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Very handy tool to simplify workflows for founders.
AI Lead Gen, web research, email automation in Google Sheet
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Congratulations on the launch!
NewOaks AI
NewOaks AI
24/7 SMS AI conversational appointment booking
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Congratulations! Nice tool to improve site SEO.
Content Score by Quick Creator
Content Score by Quick Creator
Scroing your content with Google's E-E-A-T guidelines
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Congratulations! It’s interesting to use
Talkie AI
Talkie AI
The most immersive experience with all your dream characters
Bobby Wang
Bobby Wang
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Amazing work, love the concept!
The one-stop product design tool amplified by AI
Bobby Wang
Create powerful APIs, scheduled jobs, backend tasks with BuildShip. Connect together any AI model, pre-built workflow nodes, or generate one with AI. Tweak with code (if needed), and deploy instantly in one click. Experience the new way to Build & Ship!
Low-code visual backend builder, powered by AI
Bobby Wang
Supercharge your Webflow CMS on Rowy's Airtable-like UI for free. Get unlimited editors, rich features including 35+ fields like Markdown, Code blocks, Image/File storage in GCP, generate content with AI that flows directly to your Webflow CMS + more.
Manage Webflow CMS on an Airtable like UI, for free
Bobby Wang
Learn how to train your own custom AI model using Dreambooth, generate unlimited images, and the model in your apps with a built-in low-code backend. Powered by Rowy & Replicate. Start fast like no-code, & extend with low-code flexibility for any use case.
No-code AI Model Builder
No-code AI Model Builder
Train custom AI models, build AI avatar apps - without code
Bobby Wang
Build powerful AI Bots for eg: Whatsapp ChatGPT bot to tell bedtime stories, plan travel itineraries, support customers and more. Start fast with no-code templates. Extend it anyway you want with Rowy - a lowcode backend platform for Google Cloud.
AI Bot Builder
AI Bot Builder
Whatsapp ChatGPT or any AI bot with lowcode flexibility
Bobby Wang
Are you querying ChatGPT one-by-one and wishing you could do things faster? Well, you can now process ChatGPT tasks in bulk on spreadsheet UI! Import CSV/JSON files, process tasks in parallel, and save time! Start like no-code, extend with code anytime.
Batch processing with ChatGPT on a low-code spreadsheet UI
Bobby Wang
Gather customer feedback on upcoming product features. Fully open-source, customizable, and free 💜 Share roadmap publically or with a closed set of users. Customers can upvote/downvote, add comments, and get notified when a feature is released.
Roadmap Voting App
Open-source tool to share roadmap & get customer feedback