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boaz saragossi
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Looks great 👍 I’ll be giving it a try!
Sprint management solution to boost engineering delivery

boaz saragossi
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The stickers are a great addition! love the slack integration, using it all the time.
Guggy V2
Smartly predicting the GIFs & stickers you want to send

boaz saragossi
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Great idea and great execution!

Mapme Stories
Tell stunning stories through maps

boaz saragossi
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Fontus Airo
Turns air into water!

boaz saragossi
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I thought of checking out Firebase as a Parse alternative, and now with the Batch push integration it's "pushing" me in that direction.

Firebase + Batch
Push notifications for Firebase, for the post-Parse world.

Fontus Airo
Turns air into water!

boaz saragossi
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Great idea and execution! For future versions it would be nice to see the width x height numbers on the crop and to be able to set them. Play more with the text properties and location. and of course to be able to save the cropped version. Looks like it could become a great prototyping tool!

Find photos, crop without cropping & overlay text

boaz saragossi
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Such a good product, i think it would be a hit! Great work.

Jukedeck 2.0
Create unique, royalty-free music for your videos, using AI

boaz saragossi
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We got some promo codes to give out for anyone who can't wait for tomorrow's video!
Comment your twitter handle here ,follow us and we will DM you your code.
Know Fast
Receive a short daily video that will expand your mind

boaz saragossi
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Hey Everyone,
Eric thanks for hunting our new project - Know Fast.
Its a simple and straight up app for people with little time and lots of thirst for knowledge.
One short video a day, learn something new, repeat tomorrow.
Hope you enjoy it and we would love to hear what you think in the comments.
Know Fast
Receive a short daily video that will expand your mind

Know Fast is an app that brings you one video a day to teach you something new
Know Fast
Receive a short daily video that will expand your mind

boaz saragossi
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So simple and effective. Love it!
Tab Counter
View real-time stats for any website in your brower tabs

boaz saragossi
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As an iOS developer i use my phone to take test pictures all the time, I end up having a lot of spammy pics that i forget to delete, mixing up with my regular ones. This app is just for me, great job guys!

Gallery Doctor 2.0
Instantly identify the bad & similar photos on your phone

Ask a question, see who gets it...

boaz saragossi
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I love the design, clean and simple.

A beautifully simple messaging app for Twitter

Free website builder - making web design like Lego™. No code