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This won't stop me from trying it but it would be sweet if there was a sketch plugins for this where I could push from there.
Smartmockups App 2.0
Create stunning product screenshots without using Photoshop
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This seems like a really cool idea but all the text doesn't really get to the true value to the end-user. The first paragraph especially is loaded with keywords that sound impressive but I doubt actually means anything to your target market.
Sunu band
Sonar wristband that improves mobility for the blind
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Really excited about this! Though it looks like it might be having some problems with symbols... I've set the pins and it works on the symbol itself when I rotate but when I try to rotate the artboard that has a symbol in it, the auto-layout doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm just using it wrong?
Auto-Layout for Sketch
Responsive design for Sketch
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Why not just do an email list? I think the content is interesting but an app will, for me anyway, get lost in a sea of other apps on my phone.
Startup Patterns
Bite-sized startup lessons for busy founders
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At first glance this looks a lot like Excited to try it out
Meet by Nucleus
Your new smarter, contextual calendar app
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This reminds me of Remember The Milk as they allowed text codes to indicate task attributes. It made it easy to input a lot of extremely fast once you got the idea down. Do you have a web app? Not sure I'd get the same value when I have to use my mobile keyboard
Task manager with a unique data input system
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Is it weird that I want to get this and put myself on it?
The allowance that teaches.