Blake Wisz

Blake Wisz

Growth Marketing Manager at Littledata
86 points
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Blake Wisz
Unlock instant insights with Littledata's feed for real-time orders. Ensure flawless tracking, view detailed order activity, and trust your data like never before. Instantly see if your data is flowing properly.
Live Order Feed
Live Order Feed
Trust ecommerce data by monitoring real-time order activity
Blake Wisz
Blake Wisz
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Optimize Ad's landing page for higher conversions
Blake Wisz
Automatically audit your Google Analytics 4 setup. Shopify and BigCommerce merchants can easily run the order checker to see if you're capturing every ecommerce conversion in GA4, or if you need to make updates to your tracking.
GA4 Conversions Checker App
GA4 Conversions Checker App
Audit your tracking ecommerce conversion data in GA4
Blake Wisz
Blake Wisz
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A World Without Cookies

How have ecommerce analytics changed in the absence of third-party cookies? New data privacy regulations, like GDPR and iOS 14, have changed online marketing as we know it. But all is not lost in the absence of third-party cookies. Dive into our new white paper on First Party Data, and let us know your thoughts! Grab your copy here:...
Blake Wisz
Send complete ecommerce data your Google Analytics 4 properties.

Littledata's smart tech uses a combination of server-side and client-side tracking to capture the entire customer journey.Track in parallel with Universal Analytics for complete sales data.
Ecommerce data platform for modern DTC brands