Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen

Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen

Co-founder of Reform
196 points
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Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen
Passing Google's Core Web Vitals can help you rank higher in search results. This tool measures your Core Web Vitals and alerts you if you can improve your site. It helps you understand how your users are experiencing your site.
DebugBear Real User Monitoring
DebugBear Real User Monitoring
Monitor Real User INP And Other Core Web Vitals
Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen
This tool crawls your website and selects one or more random pages. You can rediscover old content and make sure all pages are up to date.
Random Page Tool
Random Page Tool
Crawl a website and find a random page on it
Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen
This tool analyses CSS code to identify large rules and selectors. You might find that there are large CSS selectors generated by Sass or assets like images or fonts embedded in the file.
CSS Size Analyzer
CSS Size Analyzer
Identify large CSS rules and selectors
Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen
Reform Free is a 100% free version of our form builder, Reform. Use it to create beautiful, clean-looking, on-brand forms. No code required.
Reform Free
Reform Free
100% free no-code form builder
Asbjørn Lindholm Hansen
Clean-looking, on-brand forms that are easy to use in your no-code projects, send out in emails, or put on your website. A modern form builder for your tool belt.
Clean-looking, on-brand forms. No code required.