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Brad Bitler
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Wow, this looks awesome. During quarantine I've tried teaching myself Blender but was frustrated with render times on my laptop. I'll definitely try this out--thanks!
Vagon 2.0
Turn any device into a performance workstation

Brad Bitler
left a comment
This looks awesome! I can't wait to play with it.

Design tool for 3D web experiences

Brad Bitler
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these are super cool. what did you use to make them?
3D Rooms Project
Illustrated iconic rooms available as free zoom backgrounds

Brad Bitler
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This should have been called "Enhance!". Also, love the Mule Sauce we just got our first bottle.
Upscale by Sticker Mule
Increase the resolution of any image, instantly.

Brad Bitler
left a comment
Looks cool! Good job.

Free online PSD file inspector for frontend developers

Brad Bitler
left a comment
Yes yes yes! This is awesome!!

Airtable + Bannerbear
Auto generate images using Airtable

Brad Bitler
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Newton MessagePad
What's the best Apple product ever designed?
Join the discussion

Brad Bitler
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haha this is great!

It's like helvetica but with terrifyingly bad kerning

Brad Bitler
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Very cool--I like the clean design.

product updates, customer feedback, bugs tracking

Brad Bitler
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Very cool--I can't seem to figure out how to crawl paginated content with this. Any tricks you can share?

Turn any website into an API

Brad Bitler
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Very cool!

Sketch for Teams
Take design collaboration to the next level in the cloud

Brad Bitler
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Very cool! I love Bulma and this will definitely help save time!
Shuffle for Bulma
First such advanced theme builder for Bulma CSS framework

Brad Bitler
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Labelbox is amazing! Their interfaces are super intuitive and they have an SDK that enables you to create custom label interfaces to match your use case. Definitely worth checking out.
An easy way to create and manage training data

Brad Bitler
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Very cool--would love to see a bound version too!

Dot Grid Notebook Black Edition
An all black dot grid notebook for designers & illustrators

Brad Bitler
left a comment
Very cool! Thank you. As a designer learning Vue right now I'll take anything that helps. :)

30 Days of Vue
Learn Vue in 30 Days

Brad Bitler
left a comment
Wow!! I'm very excited to try this out.

Deep Learning Platform (DLP)
Software for DL application development without coding.

Brad Bitler
left a comment
Awesome idea!!

Alpaca Trading API
Simple REST API for commission-free stock trading

Brad Bitler
left a comment
haha this is actually pretty cool!

Tulsa Remote
Get $10K, a housing stipend & co-working to work from Tulsa