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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Dogs and any other answer is incorrect 🙂
Viola Schoell
Dogs đŸ¶ or Cats đŸ±?
Viola Schoell
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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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If responding to an RFP yes 🙂
Meredith Lancaster
Do you use your own product? đŸ„ł If so, what’s your product and how are you using it?
Meredith Lancaster
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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Wrote all the ideas out, what sounded the best, and which domains are available.
Marvin MĂ€ndle
How did you choose your product/startup name?
Marvin MĂ€ndle
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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Marvin MĂ€ndle
How to start the week right?
Marvin MĂ€ndle
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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Julia Engelsmann
Favorite city?
Julia Engelsmann
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Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Family, mentors, friends.
Ghulam Abbas
Who is someone in your life that you're grateful for?
Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Does anyone do RFPs?

If it’s a source of revenue for you, give me a shout and you can try Bidify at no cost to pursue an RFP.
Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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It depends, where is your ICP? Are you guerilla marketing or doing paid ads? For my business Meta ads works pretty well.
André J
What do you prefer for marketing? Twitter or LinkedIn? And why? đŸ€”
Jonathan Bay
Bidify is the first platform to truly automate proposals for RFPs. Bidify generates high-quality proposals by automatically parsing RFPs, extracting requirements, generating an outline, and drafting the proposal. Win more with Bidify!
Revolutionizing RFPs for SMBs with AI
Jonathan Bay
Jonathan Bay
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Looks really cool, thanks for sharing
Marketing attribution software