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LucidPix is a new iPhone and Android app that allows you to create 3D Photos that really pop! Now any smartphone can capture and convert 2D images into immersive 3D pictures, add fun 3D frames, stickers and text, and then share on social media or with friends.
Create, edit & share 3D photos that stand out

Benjamin Nau
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Hey Hunters and Makers,
We’re excited to officially launch our new 3D photo editing app, available to both iPhone and Android📱, with over 1,000,000 beta users worldwide. LucidPix enables casual and professional photographers 📷 alike to create and share immersive 3D imagery with the tap of a button, making photos pop off of the page, and drawing viewers into the scene. Even better? You can...
Create, edit & share 3D photos that stand out

Benjamin Nau
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Do you have any tutorials on making custom movements? If so, I can really see myself using this!

Rotato 100
Present your design in stunning 3D - also live on Zoom

Benjamin Nau
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Can't wait to give this a try and see how it compares to GIF Brewery 3.
Claquette 2.0
An easy-to-use GIF and video utility for the Mac.

Benjamin Nau
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Where are the comments stored once they are made?

Fully customizable comment sections for any website

Benjamin Nau
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The before and after of the lady in the sample looks like a sepia filter. Does the app add intelligently color, or add filers over the entire image?

Restore old photos and colorize B&W with one click

Benjamin Nau
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Nice job adding the blank/designed photo slider. Nice to see how the source file looks with and without art added to it.

Ape Mockups
A huge hand-curated collection of free high-quality mockups

Benjamin Nau
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How does this handle multiple Google accounts? I would love to be able to have different windows/docs/sheets for different accounts.

G Desktop Suite
A cross platform desktop app for Google Suite.

Benjamin Nau
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Neat idea. It's almost like Cards Against Humanity meets the creative world. And you can play it with your mom!

A headline writing game for creatives.

Benjamin Nau
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Nice work, I can see myself using this.

Octopus Do 2.0
A lightning-fast visual sitemap builder

Benjamin Nau
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In your example, the human questions are very well phrased. How smart is the bot? Can it decipher the intent of a question that is poorly phrased, spelled, etc?
Botsify FAQ Chatbot
Fully Automated FAQ Chatbot Builder

Benjamin Nau
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Neat idea. Have you tried selling API access to other photo processing apps?
Let's Enhance 2.0
Powerful AI to increase photo resolution. No quality loss.

Benjamin Nau
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Lately, while I am working at home with the fam: Noise Isolating Headphones. I get so much more done when I am not constantly distracted.
What's your #1 productivity hack?
Lluís Ventura
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Benjamin Nau
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App that allows you to create and share 3D photos that stand out.
Our target market ranges from social media users, to bloggers, influencers, and other creators.
Would enjoy your feedback on our website and blog (can you tell what we do, is it easy to follow, visually appealing, etc.).
If you'd like to download the beta version of the app before we launch it...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 27th of April)
Aaron O'Leary
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