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Bence Nagy (underyx)
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Heya all, excited to show off what I've been privately calling an AI cybersecurity tool built by AI skeptics. Two years ago we started a series of experiments with this philosophy of identifying small pieces of cognitive work where a human can very clearly map out the input data they need and the algorithm they'd follow to make a decision. This idea came partly out of frustration with the...

Semgrep Assistant
Your AI Appsec Engineer

Semgrep combines static analysis and LLMs to ensure that both security teams and developers only deal with real security issues.

Semgrep Assistant
Your AI Appsec Engineer

Bence Nagy (underyx)
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Heya! Very excited to share. This is our company's second product; which was built based on the pain points we heard the most, over and over again, from our existing customers and prospects: that dependency alerts are useless because they're so full of false positives. We've trialled a possible solution based on reachability analysis, and after checking in with some trial customers feel like...

Semgrep Supply Chain
It's time to ignore 98% of dependency alerts

Semgrep Supply Chain helps you fix the security issues caused by your dependencies, but without flooding you with alerts. It scans your dependencies *and* your code, to determine when you're actually at risk because of a third party vulnerability.

Semgrep Supply Chain
It's time to ignore 98% of dependency alerts