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Melih Mucuk
Melih Mucuk
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Melih Mucuk
Ready to receive instant weather notifications based on your location with Weather+ ?
You can receive the weather report every day. Do you want to receive notification before going to work? In Weather+, adjust notification time and done!
Weather +
Weather +
Get weather alerts based on your location
Melih Mucuk

Do you like Sudoku? Then play Nuzzle!

If you enjoy number puzzle games, it's similar to Sudoku, but a harder game is waiting for you. You should align numbers from top to bottom and from left to right. There is no time restriction. But that does not mean it will last forever :)

Number puzzle game like sudoku.
Melih Mucuk
Hello Ramadan
Hello Ramadan
Minimal ramadan app with geolocation detection.
Melih Mucuk
Hypervisor-agnostic Docker Engine