All activity 2.0
One-stop search and recommendation engine for podcasts

Bailey Smith
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This is one of the best things I've ever heard "on the radio." The narrator is the manager of the hotel, so there's not sanitized other guiding you but a voice from the place itself, and the ambient sounds are so rich it almost sounds like a radio play. The Sunshine Hotel is one of the those pieces that really transports you to a time and place.

99% Invisible - The Sunshine Hotel
Dive into the underworld of NYC's last standing flop hotel

Love + Radio - Greetings from Coney Island
Rachel receives a mysterious postcard from 1938.
Full text search & discovery engine for podcasts

Bailey Smith
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@kartikparija please do. You can reach us at

Pop Up Archive
Media search & indexing tools

Bailey Smith
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Exactly. Bien fait :) Pop Up Archive allows users to drag and drop any audio file into our system. We'll convert your audio to text and generate tags automatically. Then, and this is the best bit, you can search inside your audio and find words and phrases down to the second. If you head over to, you can see how it works by searching in our public archive.

Pop Up Archive
Media search & indexing tools