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babatunde ayeni
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Seriously its a very hard task to get early feedbacks. But i suggest before one build an app, one actually need to first look for problems people are having.. real problems
Do you struggle with getting early feedback for your newborn app?
Jamal Mashal
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babatunde ayeni
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There is poor interaction on this producthunt
Created a somewhat novel pricing page, tell me what you think?
Junior Owolabi
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babatunde ayeni
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Here is how!!!
Hello! I will like to share a crowdfunding idea designed for small businesses.
This concept will create an ecosystem for small businesses to raise funds among themselves.
Below is an illustration of how the platform will operate.
This is a concept that will make an invitee business to fund her invitor business in such a way that for an invitee businessX to be able to post...
Does your country support small business and startups? If yes, then how?
Aleksander Vasilchuk
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babatunde ayeni
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Yes i know. But i want it for several users
Payment Pages by
Collect Stripe & PayPal payments online with custom pages

babatunde ayeni
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Very good fit for my crowdfunding platform idea. Got an idea for every valuable startups to raise money easily.. the idea goes this way.. for every startup that wants to raise funds, such startup must have donated to a startup existing campaign on the platform.. can i use your app to achieve this?
Payment Pages by
Collect Stripe & PayPal payments online with custom pages

babatunde ayeni
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What do think? P2P payment app use to send money & still give you control on how d person gets itt
What are you working on this week? (w/c 16 September)
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