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Snap a photo of your notes, and Quizomatic instantly generates flashcards using AI. Customize your cards with Q&A, True/False, Vocab questions, and more to match your study style. Study smarter and faster with personalized flashcards tailored to your needs.

AI Flashcards From Notes

Ayush Pai
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Hey Everyone! Wanted to make a way for me to easily study for exams on the go with the simplest interface possible. Digesting notes on the way to class or the night before becomes a lot easier when you can just snap a picture and get customized questions. Let me know your thoughts!

AI Flashcards From Notes

Ayush Pai
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With over 1 year of collaboration and product development, writing over 60,000 lines of code, the team has won the 2020-2021 Congressional App Challenge representing Florida’s 12th Congressional District.
We are very excited to bring Rentathon to the market! Currently, we are in beta testing mode in the Tampa Bay Area and we hope to fully launch to the State of Florida by the end of the summer...

A Person-To-Person Renting Ecosystem

Rentathon is a P2P (Person-to-Person) e-commerce platform that allows users to securely rent and rent out items to people in their local community. Through Rentathon, users can make money by renting out unused items and save money by renting instead of buying.

A Person-To-Person Renting Ecosystem

Ayush Pai
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Seems Very Interesting!

Customized embeddable maps for individuals and professionals