Awa Dieudonne Mbuh

Awa Dieudonne Mbuh

Software engineer
10 points
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Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
started a discussion

How would you write a project case study in the most professional way?

Hi guys! I am looking at writing case studies for the projects on my personal website, and I want to make sure that it's very professional and appealing to recruiters. Website here: What format do you use? Do you have any recommendations on what the best format is? Or do you have any resources I can reference that can help me learn how to best write? If you've...
Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
started a discussion

What do you think about my landing page?

I recently finished designing the landing page for my personal website. The website name is Awa Creates. I used Typescript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, NodeJS, Mongoose, and MongoDB as the stack. On the website, I provide free tutorials, articles, and answers to questions about full-stack development in Typescript/JavaScript. Check it out and let me know what you think:...
Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
Awa Dieudonne Mbuh
started a discussion

How do I improve my blog's domain rating (DR)?

I recently finished building my personal blog website and launching it, the domain rating hasn't crossed zero (0). I currently have 6 blog posts on the site, and according to Search google's console, they are all indexed. Could there be something I am missing out on? Why hasn't my DR crossed zero even though I started writing on it about two months ago? What strategy do you use to grow your...