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Choose a weapon, and ChatGPT will generate a randomized encounter involving an adversary, a location, and possible actions to take. Depending on what you choose to do, ChatGPT narrates the outcome.
If you survive, your prize is another adversary.

Infinite Adversaries
A "choose your own adventure" style game narrated by ChatGPT

I am the Internet: AMA
Ask a question, and the Internet answers.

Felix Jung
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I can see two things wrong with this business model.

Pooper App
Your dog's poop in someone else's hands.

Felix Jung
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Interesting! Agree that it's not the most compelling thing, watching commentators... but I don't think this is meant to be the final product.
"The company emphasized, however, that it's using the world's most popular tennis tournament as a trial run. 'This livestream is an extremely early and incomplete test experience, and we'll be making lots of improvements before we launch it in its final...

Twitter Live
Twitter replaces TV. Watch live events and tweet w/ friend.

Felix Jung
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Value: $65.34

Clip-On Man Bun
Don't have enough hair for a luscious top knot? Now you do.

Villanelle Bot
Poems in the villanelle form, via random Twitter posts.

Felix Jung
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Slick, and simple to use! Reminded me of the Caffeinator feature creep story.
"In hindsight, it was probably right around the time that I implemented debt tracking into Caffeinator that I should have taken a break from enhancing it and reconsidered whether feature creep had gone way too far."

Let everyone enter their order for coffee runs

Felix Jung
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This is really going to make it harder to search for the right image, now that everything will be named gif.gif

YouTube GIF Creator
Turn any video into a GIF directly inside YouTube

Felix Jung
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This is fascinating to me - I had no idea refunds even existed for late deliveries.

Automated refunds on late FedEx and UPS packages

Felix Jung
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Really dig this concept and love the discovery interface on the app. Looking forward to trying this out on my lunch break, and possibly leaving a recording of my own.

Record sounds and tie them to the place they were recorded

Felix Jung
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This is not really a skill I'm looking to improve, but that video (and the creations) are irresistible.

Awa Taccino
Craft the latte foam kitty of your dreams (pre-order)

Felix Jung
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This is both fascinating and terrifying to me.

Crowdfunding for lawsuits

Felix Jung
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I'm excited to have the phrase "pastry extruder" a part of my vocabulary now.

All-in-One 3D Printer (pre-launch)

Felix Jung
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Paul Lamere is awesome. Other fun projects of his worth checking out: Boil the Frog and Six Degrees of Black Sabbath.

The Infinite Jukebox
When you favorite song isn't long enough

Felix Jung
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Very delighted that others are enjoying this project! I spent a lot of time coding the thing, but also lost a lot of time using the site to browse videos (when I should have been coding). Which I guess was a good sign.
Happy to hear any feedback folks might have, and very happy to answer any questions. Thanks for sharing the link, @mutlu82!

Find videos on Youtube that have hardly any views

Find videos on Youtube that have hardly any views